Managing Menopause Naturally
By Eric M. Spinner, C.N.C.
I would like to offer some alternatives for all the women who are on, or trying to decide whether or not to go on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). Estimates show that as of 2020 there were more than 25 million women in this country taking synthetic HRT to help alleviate some of the ravages of menopause. However, since July 2002 – when the first of three National Institutes of Health studies on women taking synthetic forms of estrogen and progesterone was halted due to an increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, blood clots, and strokes- many women are reconsidering their decision to begin using HRT.
Personally, I find it strange that in this country menopause is treated more like an illness, than what it really is- a change of life. This is a very important time in a woman’s life, and the choice of how to handle it is an extremely important one. A woman should speak with her Doctor, or health care provider, and ask questions regarding the risks and benefits of using HRT. She should also try to do as much research on her own to learn about all the possible options that exist, and then given the information, should come to a conclusion that feels right for her.
I consult with women on a daily basis, on what is available from “Nature’s Medicine Cabinet” to help reduce the night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and power surges associated with the change. I have women who come to see me after having tried HRT, and finding the adverse effects, and possible risks undesirable, looking for an alternative. The answer for them may lie in naturally occurring compounds found in plants called Phytoestrogens. These compounds have an estrogenic-like effect when the body’s levels of estrogen are too low, and can even help block stronger estrogens when levels are too high. Isoflavones and lignans are the two classes of phytoestrogens found in nature. Lignans are found in Flaxseeds. Flax is also a vegetable source of the Omega-3 essential fatty acids, which helps reduce high trigliceride and cholesterol levels.
Natural Aternatives for A.D.D. & A.D.H.D.
By Eric M. Spinner, CNC
I very often have people come in to see me with questions regarding ADD. They tell me that their children’s teachers are encouraging them to take medications like Ritalin and Adderall, but that they would like to try a more natural approach before starting with the prescription drug. I know from speaking with faculty members at our local schools that a huge problem exists, and I am writing this to hopefully offer an alternative to those who can benefit from it.
I always believe in an integrated approach to health and healing, Integrating the best of conventional medicine with traditional complimentary medicine. I never encourage clients to discontinue taking their prescription medicines without first speaking to their doctor.
Attention deficit disorder (ADD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can affect people of all ages, and it is estimated that over 6 million children have been diagnosed with ADD/ ADHD in this country. It is by far the fastest growing problem affecting children in America. It is responsible for a variety of learning and behavioral problems, quite often affecting not only the child, but also making it difficult for the entire family.
Natural Remedies For Depression
By Eric Spinner, CNC
Depression is one of the most common medical conditions in the United States, affecting over 17 million Americans each year. Depression is found in twice the amount of women as in men, and does not discriminate with the age of a person. There are different forms of depression, with varying symptoms, durations, and degrees of severity. Why some people become depressed and others do not, remains unclear, however, many factors are thought to contribute to this condition.
Poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, stress, tension, past trauma, and heredity, just to name a few. Whatever the cause is, depression begins in the part of the brain that controls our moods. The most common form of depression is called dysthymia, and is categorized by a low-grade, chronic state, and can result from simply thinking negative thoughts (unconsciously).
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is when someone becomes depressed when the days begin to get shorter and darker, and the skies are cloudier. The December holiday time can also be a reason for people to feel " the blues", and the suicide rate is reported to be at it’s highest during this time. There are some proven approaches, and nutrients that can help someone deal more effectively with this disorder.
Health Tips on Far Out Radio
Our guest is Eric Spinner, certified nutritionist, shiatsu practitioner and owner of Health Haven II in beautiful Medford, New Jersey.
The topic of health and wellness is filled with conversations that usually focus on supplements, herbs, organic foods, vitamins, minerals, etc. But there are two essential aspects of health and vitality that are often overlooked. CLEAN AIR and CLEAN WATER.
Most of us are walking around in a state of dehydration and we don’t even know it. Proper hydration is essential for the removal of toxins, efficient digestion, and overall function. It is the easiest of all detoxing techniques and the most overlooked.
Effective Weight-Loss Strategies
By Eric Spinner, CNC
Many people will make resolutions this New Year to improve various aspects of their lives, including losing weight and getting in better shape. These goals can be achieved with the information presented below, and with the commitment of the individual. Remember to always consult with your health care provider before starting any new program of exercise or use of nutritional supplements.
The first thing someone who wishes to take off weight has to do is to get rid of all the junk food in your pantry. If you are serious about getting your body into the shape you desire, you simply can’t eat foods that are full of refined sugars and flours, artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Foods that contain hydrogenated oils are especially bad.
The next thing to do is to replace all that junk with a variety of wholesome foods, like whole grains (wheat, oats, barley and rye), fresh fruits and vegetables, and high quality protein from meats, fish, and eggs. An important thing to remember is moderation in everything, including moderation. Anything done in excess is not good, and there should be a balance in every aspect of our lives. I don’t feel it is necessary to incorporate an extreme diet in order to achieve weight loss, I recommend a balanced approach.
Keeping Your Heart Beating Strong
By Eric Spinner, C.N.C.
In these fast paced days of our lives, with all the running around to get the kids to their game on time, and trying to meet other daily time crunches, we don’t always have time to eat right and exercise as much as we may like. While I always recommend trying to eat the proper amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and high quality protein from meats, fish, and poultry, I find that it is not always possible to do so.
The thing to keep in mind is that we should try to do everything in moderation, including moderation. When we don’t have time to eat nutritious foods, it’s important to make the best possible choices regarding the meals we do consume.
Exercise is a key factor as well, in providing our bodies optimal health. It is very important that we try to maintain a regular program of moderate exercise at least three to four times a week. Remember to warm up prior to, and cool down following, and stretch before, during, and after as well.
Aerobic exercise like swimming, walking, and biking, is important for cardiovascular health. Doing aerobic exercise four to five times per week and combining an-aerobic routines on three of those days is a great way to keep our bodies strong and healthy.
Getting a Grip On Pain
By Eric Spinner, CNC
Many people suffer with pain at some point in their lives, including many with chronic pain, discomfort, and inflammation. I use an integrated healing approach to help manage pain, one that encompasses both conventional methods as well as traditional ones such as Shiatsu therapy, stretching and exercise, dietary supplements (vitamins, minerals & herbal remedies), and Homeopathy.
Science-Backed Natural Choices for Anxiety
By Eric Spinner, CNC
More than 14 million Americans suffer with anxiety disorder and panic attacks. Anxiety is an emotional state that can range from mild unease to intense fear. It can result from either physical or psychological factors.
An anxiety attack is not as intense as a panic attack. During an anxiety attack, a person usually experiences fear, and may have the feeling of impending danger or that something bad is going to happen to them or someone they love.
The most common symptoms of anxiety are heart palpitations, stabbing pains, and tightness in the chest, sometimes making it difficult to breathe. Muscle tension in the neck and back often leads to headaches, backaches and muscle spasms. Other symptoms can include sweating, dry-mouth, dizziness, digestive disturbances, and the need to urinate frequently.
Health Tips on Far Out Radio
Eric Spinner Shares Optimal Health Practices for the New Year and Beyond…on Far Out Radio…..
by Scott Teeters, Far Out Radio Host
Our guest is Eric Spinner, certified nutritionist, shiatsu practitioner and owner of Health Haven II Health Food store in beautiful Medford, New Jersey.
There’s an old adage that goes, “Without your health, you have nothing.” While it’s oh, so true, and everyone nods in agreement, achieving health and vitality remains an elusive way of being for many. “New Years” always provides us with a time of reflection, a time for establishing new goals which for most, include some health goals.
So, what are your health goals? To lose a few or a lot of pounds? To clear up a nagging condition? More vitality? Or perhaps a general improvement in your state of mind? What we eat, drink, and how we think, play an important part in moving us towards optimal health.
Science-Backed Natural Choices for Allergies
By Eric Spinner, CNC
40 Million Americans Suffer with Allergies. Many people deal with runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and itchy throats due to seasonal hay fever allergies in spring and fall. For some people these symptoms are a yearlong struggle due to molds, dust mites, and animal dander as well. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, estimates that over 16 million office visits a year are attributed to allergic rhinitis (allergies), with costs totaling over $6 billion.
Allergy sufferers may choose from prescription drugs, OTC drugs, and natural supplements. Many of the prescription drugs and OTC drugs have an array of side effects, which may make consumers hesitate to try them, and Doctors hesitate to prescribe them. Many natural choices contain the herb Ephedra, which is controversial in its side effects. Ephedra based products are not the only available choice, and new and promising scientific research on an array of natural remedies provides safe and effective choices for allergic individuals.